
Route de Troinex 74, 1256 Troinex, Suisse | Monday - Friday 08:00–12:00 / 13:30–17:30

Automatic extinguishing system control

Automatic extinguishing systems must be checked and maintained regularly.

We are able to carry out the maintenance of most of the installations distributed in Switzerland. Thanks to a network established with manufacturers, you can entrust us with the maintenance and recharging of your installations even if they have been installed by different suppliers.

Key points

Our independence allows us to offer the best solution currently available on the market Your activity will only be immobilized a short time after use thanks to our stocks and our recharging equipment in our workshops.

Ce produit m'intéresse
+41 22 300 00 60

ALPINA Extincteurs is present in Neuchâtel, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Fribourg, Bulle, Lausanne, Yverdon, Monthey, Sion, Delémont, Geneva
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